Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processes

    The microcredential in Artificial Intelligence for Business will help you build the skills necessary to use AI for everyday tasks. Students will learn the fundamental building blocks to develop AI models and then use them for business applications. This microcredential is suitable for both working professionals and full-time students.  It will not only enhance your career opportunities at work but also open new opportunities around the world.

    This is a 9-credit program that will include three courses:

    • BFOR 515 Tools for AI and Data Analytics: Teaches the basic skills for building AI models.
    • BFOR 516 Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: Teaches advanced AI skills for creating models.
    • BFOR 626 Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Capstone course to develop applications related to different domains.

    The program is tuition-based. Transitioning military personnel can receive free tuition through a grant from NSA. 

    This stackable microcredential will put you on a path to completing an MS in Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.

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